(941) 637-9655
Our tree survey services provide a comprehensive evaluation of the trees on your property, helping you understand their impact on development plans. Whether for residential, commercial, or land development projects, our team conducts thorough survey to ensure compliance with local regulations.
Our tree survey services include:
• Tree Inventory: Detailed mapping and cataloging of all trees on site, including species identification, size (DBH- Diameter to Breast Height), and condition assessments.
• Heritage Trees Assessment: Identifying any protected or heritage trees that may be subject to specific regulations or conservation efforts.
SED is a multi-disciplined Engineering and Design Firm located in Punta Gorda, Florida Specializing in Civil Engineering, Transportation, and Land Development.
Southwest Engineering & Design
25450 Airport Road, Suite B
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
P: 1(941) 637-9655
F: 1(941) 637-1149
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